An Angel and Barbie Friends

Watching the end of Toy Story 4 made me cry in the theater. The ending stuck with me as I drove home. Then I thought of my past toy experience, and the tears kept coming.

I was a lucky girl in fourth grade. I had good friends and a loving home. But as soon as I think of fourth grade, I think of Mrs. G. She embarrassed me a lot in front of the whole class. I also think of the bullies at my table—Mac, Ash, and Drew. They were real devils. Okay, I’m being dramatic, but school can be quite scary. Fortunately, an angel called Ms. Ward intervened.

I’m sure she was heaven sent. I saw her at church. She gave my family games one Christmas. Once, my sister and I lent her our Barbie dolls so she could make clothes for her nieces’ Barbies. But we were in for a real shock when she returned the dolls—they had a dazzling new wardrobe! The clothes were funky, beautiful, and classic with rich fabric. I don’t totally remember what the clothes looked liked, but I was motivated to play with my Barbies probably because they were better-dressed. I was happy—and nervous. From time to time, I’d stand up and walk to the window. I had to make sure no one from my class was nearby. Who knows? Maybe they could have jumped the fence. Luckily, they were never there, and I could play Barbies to my heart’s content.

This respite was some of the greatest therapy I ever received. I sorted through my problems and got out my frustrations. God bless Ms. Ward wherever she is. I know she was divinely inspired.

And if you’re reading this, Ms. Ward, please know you saved me. I don’t know if I ever said thank you. Thank you to infinity and…well, you know. Thank you for being the Lord’s instrument in helping a nine-year-old girl conquer the fourth grade villains.

Lots of love,
Sarah, now age 33

Some names have been modified.
Picture from

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