Wise Men, Wise Women

“They saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshiped him.”

We know wise women who are as dedicated and faithful as the Wise Men who followed a star to find Jesus.  I love the phrase. “Wise men still seek them.” I include women in that statement too.

We’ve  seen whom I consider the “wise women of Christmas.” Mary, Elisabeth, and Anna. And the other figures in the nativity that  included women. We’ve seen wise women in our lives.

I love this passage from Beverly Cleary’s Romana and Her Father:

*Romana was puzzled. “I thought they were supposed to be wise men,” she said.

“The boys backed out at the last minute,” explained the girl with the blackest eyebrows. “Mrs. Russo said women can be wise too, so tonight we are the Three Wise Persons.”

The idea seemed like a good one to Ramona. *

And it’s a  good idea to me.

How can we seek Him? We can turn to others and learn of Him through the scripture. Ask ourselves: “What would Jesus do?” Thoughts?

“When they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts: gold, and frankincense, and myrrh.”

We can’t offer gold, frankincense, and myrrh. So what can we offer?

What the Lord requires of us is to love one another.

I recommend the two clips below. One is the popular “Share the Gift” and the other is called “Wise Men Still Seek Him.”


Matthew 2
Romana and Her Father by Beverly Clearly

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