
Note: The following narrative is from an assignment I did a couple years ago for a family history class. The family pictures with my commentary were added afterwards. 

A Life Sketch Mary Alice Villiborghi Lund
Written by Sarah Patten from an Interview with the Alice’s daughter, Martha Jane Lund Patten

Mary “Alice” Villiborghi was born February 13, 1909 to Italian immigrants Maria Domenica Alberti and Virginio Lorenzo Villiborghi in San Francisco, California. She was the second of fourteen children. One could say that she could be seen as the oldest since she had a brother that was born the year before her and only had lived for two months.

Alice’s family lived in an Italian neighborhood. She had cousins who lived there too as well as grandparents next door. The family knew the value of hard work and the necessity of prayer to get by. Always industrious, Alice’s leisure time included her gardening, sewing, and canning— even in the last years of her life. She grew up during the Great Depression, and there were plenty of mouths to feed and children to dress. She and her family were into “recycle chic” (a fashion style that would be shared by her granddaughter). Flour sacks were used to make her brothers’ shirts. When those shirts wore out, the remains were put together in a yoyo quilt.

Alice was interested in secretarial work and even took a shorthand writing class in school. She made it to the eleventh grade but had to leave school to support her family. She went to work for a pants factory called Ben Davis where she sewed jeans with an industrial sewing machine. Her arms would ache from the labor. She worked there for sixteen years. An aunt suggested she apply for a job at the post office. Alice secured a job and formed strong friendships. She met Reuben Lund through a mutual friend.

Reuben was one of the most influential people in her life. He introduced her to a whole new world. He took her to concerts and operas which was a new experience for her. They enjoyed hiking together. They married June 26, 1945 at a courthouse in Santa Rosa, California. He continued to help build her confidence and believe in herself.

It was somewhat of scary experience when she discovered she was pregnant because she was nearing forty; she was on the older side, and there were greater health risks. Reuben made sure she got the best medical care. On February 24, 1949, Alice gave birth to a baby girl, whom they named Martha Jane.

Martha recalls her mother being “generous to a fault”. Alice would find people to help. She saved money and even bought Martha a petit grand piano. Alice’s gift is still being used today by her daughter, grandchildren, great grandchildren, piano students, and those who desire to touch the piano keys.

I'm honored my favorite pianist happens to my mom. She could have made bucks but continues to share her expertise and expression music with others. Here she is teaching a grandchild.

Here my mom is with a grandchild playing at the piano my grandma gave her. Grandma would have loved this picture!

Alice found life difficult in the 1980s when her husband died and her health declined. She moved in with her daughter and her family. But there were positive highlights—like the births of her five grandchildren. She brought laughter into the home, kept up with gardening, and planted roses around the house.

In the early 1990s, she spread her wings by doing what she had dreamed of doing for so long. Traveling. She took Martha and her family to Virginia and Pennsylvania.

Grandma Lund, with her grandchildren and my dad.Grandma conquered her fear of flying, but she was also brave by putting up with five kids all under ten!

Grandma Lund, with her grandchildren and my dad.Grandma conquered her fear of flying, but she was also brave by putting up with five kids all under ten!

It was nerve-racking because she was anxious to fly, but things worked out.

My brother helping Grandma Lund.

My brother helping Grandma Lund.

In fact, she was so much in awe, the family made the trip again six months later.

My very patient grandma helping me!  These worthwhile trips could tucker us grandkids out, but she was always there to lend a hand!

My very patient grandma helping me! These worthwhile trips could tucker us grandkids out, but she was always there to lend a hand!

Alice died June 28, 1991 and is buried next to her husband, Reuben, in Parkview Cemetery, French Camp, California.  She left a legacy of faith, resourcefulness, and humor for her posterity.


Additional Notes:
Featured image is of my mom with Grandma Lund. 

Special thanks to my mom for the interview and for supplying Grandma Lund’s autobiography. 

All photos courtesy of my family. 

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