Coco and My Own Grandmas

It’s the Day of the Dead, and I want to watch Coco!

In my humble opinion, Coco, is one of the finest films ever made. It brings out emotions, memories, and its soundtrack has helped me through some hard times this last year.

One of my favorite parts is when Coco joins Miguel in singing “Remember Me.” Coco’s look of recognition is powerful, and it’s made me aware of how the senses can bring out memories. For instance, I’ve smelled the lovely scent of Grandma Lund from time to time. My mom’s mom passed away over two decades ago. There are certain times, though, when I smell roses and think, “Is that you, Grandma?” It’s almost like I’m traveling back in time and watching her water her plants.

In Grandma's lapc

The veil between this life and the other is so thin sometimes! During summer vacation I went home where I had unexpected news. Before I left home again, I looked through one of my boxes in the garage. I found a card my dad’s mom had written to me upon my high school graduation which said:

Isn’t it all wonderful–the ups and downs and the twists and turns we have to take to get where we are going? If you put the Lord first, Sarah, you will come out, or, things will work out for the better.

Grandma Patten died almost ten years ago, but it felt like she was standing by me speaking that advice.Grandma Lund Since then I’ve recognized that she has been on adventures with me sort of like how Miguel went on a journey with his grandpa.

I tend to think that my ancestors  laugh at me a lot, but I also think they laugh with me as well as  cry with me.

Above all, I hope we’re enjoying each other’s company!

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