Why My Grandma Liked Dolls

A neighbor interviewed my grandma and recorded it. The recording is super valuable to my family. You can hear little kids in the background, but the focus was on Grandma. She died before Toy Story, but she had her own storyline.

In the interview, Grandma explains how she and her family managed to get by through hard work, sacrifice, and faith. The family wasn’t able to go on a toy shopping spree. There were, however, miracles that provided treasure for her and her siblings.

Here’s a transcript of an insightful clip:

“My father used to move furniture, and a lot of times, the people say, ‘Oh, take this. I don’t want it. It just makes more stuff here.’ And he used to bring home toys. [“Aw” from interviewer.] And I always remember that big doll I had. You know, those big…the Germans used to make those nice, nice dolls. That’s why to this day, I like dolls.”

And boy, did we all know that! She had a glass cupboard with a collection of dolls. She mentioned it in the video, and how the “girls” (me and my sister) liked to open it. She planned to give us the collection after she passed away. There were moves and remodeling, but I managed to find one of the dolls. It’s the most adorable out of the “pretty dolls” (aka porcelain dolls). A little one that wears a yellow dress and cap. I’m looking at it right now. Some might look at it and feel nothing, but I feel really blessed. It has a story behind it. It’s a reminder of Grandma’s love. 



Featured image: Girl With Doll by an unknown German artist. Found on Wikipedia commons.

Other painting found on pixabay.com

2 thoughts on “Why My Grandma Liked Dolls

  1. Thank you for sharing those beautiful insights about Grandma Lund, Sarah! Would you consider posting this on FamilySearch?

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